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Meet the Oakmed Ambassadors – Alannah Simpson

Introducing our newest Oakmed Ambassador, Alannah Simpson, also known as @glitterygutsx

Alannah is a proud ostomate and a mother of two, balancing life with grace, humour, and determination. In this insightful Q&A, she opens up about how her perspective on life has evolved since her surgery, shares practical tips for managing daily life with a stoma, and offers heartfelt advice for those adjusting to this new chapter. From talking about her support system to her favourite comfort foods, Alannah’s journey is one of resilience, positivity, and inspiration. Let’s dive into her story!


How has your outlook on life changed since your surgery?

My outlook on life since surgery has changed very much over the years. I’ve realised not only just from my own experience of the surgeries and hospital stays, but also other people’s too. This has shaped my thoughts on how short life is. Although, some days I may not be able to do very much, but on the days I can, I will make the best of them! That could be a trip out in the car or an afternoon out somewhere with my boys or it could be visiting family and spending quality time. We never know when life can change, treasure every moment!


What are your top three tips for someone who is newly adjusting to life with a stoma?

  • Find a routine that works best for you (this may take a few months).
  • Find a bag that is kind to your skin and your mind – if it is gentle to your skin and gives you confidence in being an ostomate, you’ve hit the jackpot.
  • Wear it with pride. You overcame a very tough time physically and mentally, but it saved your life.


How do you manage your daily routine with your stoma? Any tricks that make your day easier?

I try to change my bag a maximum of every 2-3 days and I will change it after I shower (when I get a chance, being a mum to two under three means grabbing a shower and bag change as soon as one is asleep and the other is chill!)


What advice would you give to someone who might be struggling with confidence or body image after surgery?

Give yourself time. I could sit here and say that you have to be kind to yourself, but I am my own worst critic! Rest is very important and accepting your body really does take time.


How important has community support been for you?

The ostomy community has been a huge part of my life. My experience has definitely been more positive than negative when talking to others! I’ve met so many friends, received amazing advice, learnt new things and I have just felt so much less alone, knowing that there are thousands out there with a stoma.


How do you talk to friends, family, or even strangers about your stoma?

I’ve always been extremely open about my stoma and although many family members and friends don’t ‘get it’ there are other aspects of being an ostomate that they do understand. Whether it’s dating or talking to family/friends, just letting them know how it affects you, what you can and can’t eat and what help you need is really beneficial.


Have you given your stoma a name, and if you have why did you choose that name? 

My stoma has recently been renamed to Strawberry. My son calls my stoma a strawberry every time he watches me change and the name has stuck. It was too cute not to keep it going!


What hobby or activity have you discovered or enjoyed more since your surgery?

My favourite hobby since getting my stoma is blogging/vlogging! I love to raise awareness and share my journey with others. My stoma gave me my purpose of helping others.


What’s your go-to comfort food or treat on a tough day?

On a tough day, my comfort foods are the real unhealthy, processed stuff! Which isn’t often what I eat. Cookie dough ice cream, Kinder bueno chocolate, chips and cheese and a big ball of mozzarella cheese straight out of the packet!


If you could spend a day with any celebrity who would it be and what would you do?

The celebrities I’d love to spend a day with would have to be either the Osbourne Family or two of my favourite bands Ghost and Volbeat! I love Ozzy Osbourne/Black Sabbath and I play their music in the house and car, far more often than I care to admit!!


What are your goals or aspirations for the future?

I think about my future often as an ostomate, but also as a mum. Honestly, I just want to be alive and present for my two sons and have some nice holidays as they grow up. I’d also love to be able to get my driving license when my anxiety behind the wheel calms down. I crave that little independence of being able to hop into the car and pick up the boys from school when they’re older, or maybe a trip somewhere when their daddy is at work.


What message do you want to share with others on World Ostomy Day?

My message for World Ostomy Day is to simply be yourself. Those who care and love you will do so, just by being you. You don’t need to be anyone else!

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