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Meet the Oakmed Ambassadors – Oktober Bull

We are thrilled to welcome Oktober and her stoma – Sunny, as the newest Oakmed Ambassador! With her radiant personality and fearless approach to life, Oktober has become an inspiring voice in the ostomy community. Through her journey with Sunny, she empowers others to embrace their unique path, break down stigmas, and live confidently with a stoma.

We are beyond excited to have Oktober on board as an ambassador. With her positive energy and heart for helping others, she’s going to bring so much value to the Oakmed family and to all ostomates. Stay tuned for her insights, tips, and stories on living your best life with a stoma!

Make sure to give her a follow on Instagram at @sunnythestoma to keep up with her journey, her style tips, and all the ways she’s supporting and inspiring ostomates.


How has your outlook on life changed since your surgery?

I feel that I enjoy the small moments a lot more now. I appreciate my family and friends so much more, as they have been my lifeline. I love being able to walk in nature and see how lovely the world around me is.


What are your top tips for someone who is newly adjusting to life with a stoma?

  • Don’t rush yourself and take each day as it comes, you don’t have to be a million percent straight away. Take the time to heal!
  • Lean on people around you whether that’s family, friends or the online stoma community for support, as you are not alone!


What advice would you give to someone who might be struggling with confidence or body image after surgery?

From someone who has always struggled with body image – it is hard, don’t get me wrong. I feel I have more confidence since I decided to look at my body with amazement, I can’t believe this body got me through my darkest days. I see my body as my journey telling the story of how I have got to where I am today! From the beginning I tried to look at myself in the mirror, I would say out loud “I am beautiful, my body is amazing, I am proud to be me.” Hearing those words have helped me start to try and make my mind believe it.


How important has community support been for you? Have you connected with other ostomates, and how has that helped you?

I love the community support we have as ostomates. Social media can be a horrible place at times, but not the ostomy world, because everyone is so helpful, showing their tip and tricks. I have connected with a lot of people, and I really love it because at the end of the day, we are the only ones who know what it’s really like living with a stoma.


What role has Oakmed played in your journey?

Oakmed products have been great for me when I started to have a lot of skin reactions. Once my stoma nurse showed me the alginate infused convex bag, my skin cleared up and it’s so soothing for my skin.


How do you talk to friends, family, or even strangers about your stoma? Any advice for making those conversations easier?

I’m just very honest, which I know isn’t always easy. I started a new job after my surgery with lots of new people, the first time my stoma made a noise, I wasn’t sure how to react. In the end I said, “Oh that’s my tummy it will make noises at times” and everyone was fine, no one even asked. The more confident I got, I decided to tell my colleagues that I had a stoma, and they were very supportive. I much prefer it when people ask questions, so I can educate them.!


 What’s one thing about living with a stoma that might surprise people?

That it doesn’t smell, I think everyone (me included before I had a stoma) thought you would always smell poo. You can’t smell anything and the only time you smell anything is when you go to the toilet which is completely normal.


Have you given your stoma a name, and if you have why did you choose that name? 

My stoma is called Sunny, my husband and I named it after I had my surgery. Sunny for brighter days to come. I believe that it’s really helpful to name your stoma, as when something happens like a noise, you can go “Oh that’s Sunny talking again!”.


What’s a hobby or activity you’ve discovered or enjoyed more since your surgery?

I really love yoga and pilates. It has helped to build up my core, but also remind myself to take a moment to reflect and have a positive mind.


What’s your go-to comfort food or treat on a tough day?

Salt and vinegar crisps, they are my weak point. I could eat a whole family size bag!


What are your goals or aspirations for the future, both personally and as an ostomate?

I would like to have a family soon. I also want to continue sharing my life on social media to show what everyday life is like with a stoma and to help at least one person feel better and not alone.


How did you celebrate World Ostomy Day this year?

I spent time with my family, and I felt grateful for the life I now have. I also spread awareness about living with a stoma on my social media.


What message do you want to share with others on World Ostomy Day?

That you aren’t alone, there are always people out there to connect with! World Ostomy Day is such a positive day to spread awareness and come together.

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