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Meet the Ambassadors – Kate & Albie

Introducing our amazing Oakmed Ambassador, Albie, also known as @crohns_colitis_and_me

Albie is an ostomate who has faced his journey with resilience and a great sense of humour. While his mum, Kate, runs his social media, Albie is the one answering these questions and sharing his personal experience of living with a stoma. In this Q&A, Albie opens up about the challenges he’s faced, how he manages his daily routine, and his hopes for the future. Let’s hear more from Albie as he shares his inspiring story!

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced since your surgery, and how did you overcome it?

Getting used to having a stoma was a big change. Managing the fear of leaks has been hard, I was staying up late at night to check for leaks and to try and avoid them. I also had a fear of people hearing the loud noise it makes and not understanding that I can’t control it.

I’ve overcome these worries by accepting that I can’t change it and by telling people that I have a stoma, so that they know I have a disability. Being honest with people has helped.

What are your top tips for someone who is newly adjusting to life with a stoma?

  • Be prepared and carry around stoma supplies. I have a small man bag that fits two bag changes, just in case of a leak.
  • I also always carry a radar key to be able to use disabled toilets.
  • Always hold down the stoma bag once applied for at least a minute, to make sure it is stuck down. This can help prevent leaks.

How do you talk to friends, family, or even strangers about your stoma? Any advice for making those conversations easier?

I was worried at first about going in public places but with my friends and family, I have just been honest with them. I told them that I poo in a bag, and it makes noises that I can’t control. I’ve found being honest and telling people reduces the worry.

Have you given your stoma a name, and if you have why did you choose that name?

I chose the name Fuller as in Fuller poo. I chose this name because it makes it seem more light-hearted and is less harsh than just stoma. People have laughed when I’ve told them!

What’s your go-to comfort food or treat on a tough day?

I love crisps, in particular Frazzles. I’m glad I can still eat them without any issues to Fuller.

What are your goals or aspirations for the future, both personally and as an ostomate?

I’ve started college and would love to work with animals. It’s been a dream of mine for a long time and I’m determined to not let my stoma get in my way! I want to show other ostomates that anything is possible!

What message do you want to share with others on World Ostomy Day?

A stoma isn’t as bad as you think once you get used to it! It takes time but eventually you will grow to accept it. Take the help offered by the stoma team, as I have found them invaluable.

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